Cheese Post Feature

A Terribly Cheesy Post

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Eat Cheese or Die

*Disclaimer: we had a bit of word-play fun with this post and we apologize in advance for the cheesiness of it. Pun intended.


We came. We saw. We ate A LOT of cheese.


It probably did parm-anent damage to our waistlines, and it definitely made muensters out of us, as we went through repetitive cravings, and fought each other for who got the last bite. We became worried about a cheese feta-lity. When it comes to the amount of variety of cheese available here in Wisconsin, it is a truly Gruyere-some number. Go to any supermarket and make your way to the cheese section. If you are cheese freaks like us you will probably spend a good 15-20 minutes alone here just deciding which lucky brick to bring home. There are over 600 varieties in Wisconsin, and despite trying as many as we could, we didn’t even come close to getting through them all.

Wisconsin Cheese


With such delicious surprises as beer cheese spread and chocolate cheese fudge (are you kidding me?) there was no literally no chance for us to slim down.

Chocoalte Cheese Fudge


But as the travel brie-ze blows us around the globe, our time here is nearing an end. We ate as much as we could menage, and just swiss-h we could have tried them all. But it was a (e)dam gouda time and we’re going to miss it.

Cheesy delights


Hopefully, when we emerge from curd-ling under the blankets and do more exercises when we leave the cottage, we can become limbur-ger.

Cheese Curds Collage


But we probably don’t know jack.


*Bonus points to anyone who can correctly count the number of cheese references in this post.


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  1. Not including the curbs, fudge or beer cheese? Thirteen! I happen to have manchego, cottage, shredded cheddar, feta and some american slices in my fridge. You can take the girl outta the Midwest, dontcha know, but cheese cravings follow me EVERYWHERE!

    1. Ahhhh, I count 15 total and if I take out the curds, fudge and beer cheese that leaves 12. I’ll have to pull a Florida and recount 😉

  2. *Drool* Once again, you have provoloned that your food posts are hunger-inducing. If I ever make it to lovely Wisconsin, I havarti try them all!

  3. HaHa I loved this! Though I am blue to stil-ton be in Shanghai where there is a limited cheese selection. What did you think of the chocolate cheese fudge? I tried a chocolate mint version in Amish Country and thought it was amazing!

  4. OMG you guys are so silly! I should’ve guessed there would be a post about cheese considering where you were. I’m glad you didn’t try all 600+ types, it may have made you sick!

  5. 17 after counting them. Loved this post! So clever. I challenge you to come visit us in Italy so I can take you to the cheese section at the store. Then outdo your cheesy post!

    1. Between France, Italy and Wisco, I think a “Cheese-off” would make a kick ass reality show. And 17? We are definitely going to need a recount, getting all sorts of numbers, lol.

  6. Wow, I love cheese and this post made me so hungry!! I got to check if there’s any cheese left in my fridge. Guess what’s for dinner? 🙂

  7. Wait just one second…a post dedicated to cheese, AND choc full of hilarious puns? I don’t know if I can handle this much awesomeness.

    Also, chocolate cheese fudge?! I can’t decide whether or not that sounds magical or monstrous…

    1. Thanks Tom, we were a little worried how the post would do considering the cheesiness. The fudge was good, but you certainly couldn’t have very much, very rich.

  8. Yum, yum, yum! Here in South East Asia, we’re not hurting for delicious food, but I still miss cheese a lot. The kicker is that you can get it here, but it’s just REALLY expensive. I think you can appreciate why on a boozey bender in Singapore I broke down and bought all the fixins to make a quesadilla!

    Also, whoever says the pun is lowest form of humor was dead wrong!

    1. I think 12 is a little short Vicky 🙂 It’s a good thing to pick back up when you get back to Europe. Enjoy 🙂

  9. Oh no! I was just saying to my boyfriend I would kill for a grilled cheese sandwich and the one on the picture looks sooo good. Damn you Asia and your lack of good cheese

      1. It will hurt. Sometimes they offer ‘cheese’ sandwiches but they are no good.
        You can buy good cheese in Thailand in the foreigners supermarkets but it will be around $30 for a piece. So I guess I’ll just suffer until we finally get to Australia.

  10. Garlic cheddar looks awesome. I don’t konw what cheese curds are, but I will try them.
    Although Germany and Europe has a lot of cheese, I really miss American style cheeses. No, not the brilliant orange slices, but the styles that I grew up with. Monterey Jack and Munster. Theoretically Munster is a German word, but I can’t find anything here that seems right.

    1. It’s tough to find replacements for cheeses that you are used to. But being in Europe it can’t be so bad, try the squeaky gross campo-cheese of Latin America – ha!

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